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I came to you with a repotting Question: about a month or two ago when I purchased a new Monstera plant.  Well since I’ve had the plant, some of the leaves (medium sized ones/not fully mature) are turning a yellow-green and the leaf edges are turning brown and becoming shriveled.  What does this mean? It is in a very bright room with a south facing window but not receiving direct sunlight.  I am watering weekly but wondering maybe if I’m not giving enough water when I do water.  Some of the more mature leaves, are very dark green and seem to be looking good but these light greenish ones are concerning me. Do I need to remove them? Can you help?


A photo of your plant would be very helpful. Are these new leaves that are pale green? If so, that is normal as the leaves become a deeper shade of green as they age.

Likewise, it is not uncommon for older, lower leaves to develop some brown tips. However, brown tips on newer leaves are an indication of a root problem. Root problems are usually related to improper watering and could be either over or under watering. Using hard tap water can also cause brown leaf tipping.

I could be more helpful if I knew if you decided to repot and just what your watering routine has been. Also, how far from the south-facing window is your Monstera? Is that window partially covered during the day?

I look forward to receiving a photo and/or additional information so I can better help you.

Follow-up Question:

Thank you for your reply. I have attached an image. I did not repot the plant and have been watering weekly with distilled water. If anything I think I have probably under watered rather than over watered since I’ve had it, which has been less than 2 months.  The plant has been about 12 ft from a partially covered south window.  I’m guessing maybe not receiving enough light? Thank you for your help!


Thanks for the photo. It is the newer leaves that are a lighter shade of green and that is normal. They will darken as they age. I see minimal brown tips – not enough to be concerned.

However, the size of the new leaves tells me that it is not getting enough light. If the window is partially covered, then your Monstera should be as close to the window as possible. If the window is completely uncovered, it could be as far as 6 feet away, but no more than that.

The pot is plenty big enough. Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry in between thorough waterings. It may start to gradually use more water after you move it into better light. If you are not able to improve the light, it will survive, but new growth will be weak and proper watering will be difficult.