Over 40 years ago, long before the Internet, I was eager to learn more about caring for my houseplants. Reliable sources of information about indoor plants were scant. After working for many years as a professional indoor landscaper, caring for indoor plants in every kind of indoor environment, I have a wealth of knowledge about indoor plant care to share with others.
After starting Horticultural Help in 1989, I realized there was a niche for someone to manage the plant care needs of small businesses and individual plant owners. As the owner and sole employee of my indoor plant care business, I have provided the personal, experienced, and affordable service that small businesses and residential plant owners could not find elsewhere. As a hands-on plant care expert, I performed all services myself to maintain the highest quality, most experienced, reliable, and personal indoor plant service standards while keeping costs low and affordable for small businesses and individuals.
My experience and knowledge are unique. They are based on hands-on care of plants in homes and offices. They are not based on academic or field research. They are not based on the ideal conditions of greenhouse growing. They are based on real-life environments like those in your home or office. That’s what makes my knowledge unique.
Services in Manhattan
Horticultural Help is no longer taking on new weekly plant maintenance clients. Will Creed is now devoting his time exclusively to one-time indoor plant consulting, primarily for residents of Manhattan in NYC. He also provides one-time assistance to Manhattan businesses with plant problems.
Global Support and Assistance
Will Creed will answer individual plant questions via the Internet, email, and phone. He does this gratis because he remembers how he struggled many years ago. It also enhances his knowledge bank, making him a leading expert on indoor plant care in all environments. He has solved the individual plant problems for thousands of houseplant owners in NYC and worldwide
Click here for direct access to his email and smart phone.
Constantly amass knowledge and offer it around.”
~Richard Holbrooke

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