Indoor Plant Information
Horticultural Help provides professional information on the care of indoor plants, in most cases without charge. Much of this information is not available in books or elsewhere online. The information provided here is written in plain English and provides not just an answer, but a deeper explanation behind that answer. What you read here may surprise you and conflict with what you have heard and read elsewhere.
Here you will find professional indoor plant care information based on 30 years of professional hands-on experience caring for indoor plants in office and residences. These are environments similar to your home and office. Other sources of indoor plant care information rely on experience gained in controlled environments such as greenhouses, nurseries and tropical rainforests. Searches online will yield non-professional information that is anecdotal and rarely based on solid research.
Here are the names of some common indoor flowering plants that DO have dormant or semi-dormant periods, usually in the fall: Amaryllis (dry), Anthurium (cool), Azalea (cool), Camellia (cool), Christmas Cactus (cold), Gardenia (cool), Gloxinia (dry), Hibiscus (cool and dry), Kalanchoe (short days), Oxalis (dry), and Poinsettia (short days).
Questions & Answers
Over the past 15 years, indoor plant expert Will Creed has answered thousands of questions online and via email. In this Knowledge Base Q&A format you can search for and find the various topics that relate to your concerns or interests. Simply type your topic into the search box on this page.
If you cannot find your answer here, you have several other options:
- Go to the Indoor Plant Bulletins page on this site and order the appropriate Bulletins
- Purchase Will’s book at your local bookstore
- Submit your question directly to Will at [email protected]. You will receive a reply from him, usually within 24 hours
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