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Philodendron Oxycardium

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I have another Question:. I have very hard mineral water and a few leaves and stems have accumulated a lot of calcium on them and I was wandering if there is something I can use that’s safe for the plants and removes the calcium? I’ve treated the water for hard mineral but what’s accumulated now has been subject to straight mineral water for 2 yrs.


When hard water is used to water plants, over time the mineral salts build up in the soil. Sometimes the minerals also crystallize on the edges of the pot and on the leaves. More importantly, when those salts build up to toxic levels in the soil, they can burn the roots.

I recommend that you use lots of filtered or distilled water to pour through the soil to flush out the salts. Use only distilled, filtered or rainwater to water in the future. Chemically softened water should NOT be used as it also contains mineral salts.

To remove salt deposits from foliage, wipe them with a solution of 5 parts water, 1 part white vinegar and a squirt of liquid dish soap.

Follow-up Question:

I’ll have to try that. I’ve never heard of dish soap what is its purpose? Any particular type or brand of soap? Thanks again I really appreciate you Answer:ing all my Question:s


The soap is a surfactant, which means it helps the solution spread over the surface of the leaves and stems and provide better coverage. It also helps remove the salt build up and puts a bit of a shine on the leaves. A little mineral or baby oil will add even more shine to the leaves, if that is your preference. Any mild liquid dish soap is fine. Avoid dishwasher detergents.