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I have received a pink not coral pink Rozalea when I was in the hospital a couple of years ago.  A friend transplanted it outside in a large pot, killing it.  I have looked and looked and cannot find another that is hardy for Zone 8 weather.  Do you know where I can find one?


Rozalea is a hybrid variety of Azalea, so named because its flowers look like roses. However, they are not related to Roses.

Rozaleas are not hardy more than a few degrees below freezing, so it will not survive winters in your area. I don’t know what is available in your area, but Rozaleas are usually sold in late winter and early spring in most areas and tend not to be available at other times except online. If you find one, keep it in its existing pot as it flowers only when kept potbound. Provide lots of bright indirect sunlight and cool temps as much as possible.