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Schefflera Rooted in Water..Now What?

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I had a huge spindly indoor Schefflera Plant for 10 years, with leaves only at the top of the stalks.  I thought it may be root bound, so I repotted it, and I cut it back to about 2 feet, and assumed that the roots were healthy since it was still producing new leaves.

It gradually dropped the few leaves left at the bottom portion of the plant.  I was left with only one healthy piece of only 2 new leaves on 2 small jointed stems. I put the jointed leaves into a shot glass, and it now has 7 roots that are whitish in color, little over 1 inch, and it has just produced a new stem with a tiny leaf in the center of the two jointed stems.  This is very small.. It is such a sentimental plant.  I gave it to my husband before we married when his mother passed away, and we named it Lillian for his mother’s name.  Sounds crazy, but I noticed the new small sprout has one of the 5 leaves in the shape of a heart.  I don’t want to lose it, but I’m afraid, and don’t know what to do, or when to actually plant it. The rooting process has taken well over a month.  I have attached a few pictures.  Can you please help????


I know it probably seems like a long time to you, but to have that much root growth in a month is a good sign. There is no rush to move your rooted Schefflera cutting, but it can be moved to a pot with soil anytime after you have several roots at least an inch long.

Use a small pot no larger than the glass it is now in. Make sure the pot has a drain hole and use a porous, soil-less, peat-based potting mix. Cover the bottom inch of the pot with damp potting mix. Then, hold the rooted cutting over the center of the pot so that the roots are touching the soil in the bottom and fill in the rest of the pot with the damp potting mix while you hold it upright. Tamp the potting mix down firmly so that the cutting stays upright. Then, water the soil until some water runs through.

Keep your Schefflera close to a sunny window. Water it whenever the top quarter of the soil feels barely damp. Be patient and allow the rooted cutting to completely fill the pot with roots before moving it into a pot that is one size larger. Do NOT rush this process.